Labels:bulletin board | hakham | vegetarianism | water OCR: Cope with Cancer Advisoru Board ADigilal Rain Production Digital Rain would like to thank the Cope with Cancer Advisory Board for their assistance in developing the content of this program Digital Rain pinoM also like tr thank Wellspring and its members for providing facilities and guidance throughout the project. Funding provided by SmithKline Beecham and Digital Rain. Holy Bradley, MA Richard Hasselback BA MDCM FRCPC Wellsoring Stephanie Burlein Hall RN BScN, MEd Doris Howell, RN MSN Alastair Cunningham BVSE, Pho Margaret Fach, RN, PhD Jack Laidlaw, PhD FRCPC Copo Nichal RN Pati Payne RN toan Quit Concer Advisor Boord ADigital Llike Haly MOCM Stenhanie Burlem Cunningl Fnch Coofre Patti amceAy